================== Using the REST API ================== Besides using the web interface or Python library, you may also access a DataMeta server by directly interacting with its API. On this page, you find the :ref:`technical documentation` of all RESTful API endpoints. In addition, in the following sections we will walk you through the details of API authentication, metadata and file upload and finalizing a submission. Authentication to the API ------------------------- Every request made against the API has to be accompanied with a secret that identifies you, i.e. links the request to your account on the DataMeta server. We refer to these secrets as *API keys* and you can obtain them from your "Account" tab in the DataMeta web interface. API keys are randomly generated strings of length 64 made of characters and digits. To include the secret in your API request, you have to add the following request header: .. code-block:: Authorization: Bearer 7dywAFfI4DhuN4hp348FgfTjir6gWTw2p2KIca97VWA5uUH7CvY4U1xr7QRHrKpD where :code:`7dywAFfI4DhuN4hp348FgfTjir6gWTw2p2KIca97VWA5uUH7CvY4U1xr7QRHrKpD` denotes the API key obtained through the web interface. API URL ------- The API of a DataMeta server is accessible at .. code-block:: https://{base_url}/api/{api_version} To find out which API version is used by a DataMeta server, you may access the URL .. code-block:: https://{base_url}/api which will respond with an :code:`HTTP Found (302)` response returning the full length URL including the API version in the :code:`Location` response header. Identifiers ----------- All resources that are handled by the API come with at least one unique identifier, their *UUID*. In addition, some resources may have a more human readable identifier, referred to as their *site ID*. When a JSON response describes a resource, its IDs are typically annotated as follows in an attribute called :code:`id`: .. code-block:: { "id": { "uuid": "eb15fa40-af0a-46b7-a35f-0661851076fb", "site": "CDF-51228765" }, "otherAttribute": "value", ... } When another resource is referenced from within a resource, for example the user owning a file, the attribute would typically be called :code:`userId` and again contain an object with the attributes :code:`id` and :code:`site` to refer to the two identifiers. Only the :code:`id.uuid` attribute is guaranteed to be present for all resources. When specifying a resource in a request, the two identifier types are both recognized by the server and can be used interchangeably. Metadata Information -------------------- A description of the CoGDat metadata is provided under :ref:`CoGDat Metadata` as well as in the submission interface when clicking the question mark icon on the submit page. The metadata definitions can also be access programmatically by making a :code:`GET` request against :code:`/metadata`: .. code-block:: curl -X GET "https://data.cogdat.de/api/v1/metadata" The response is a list of metadata definitions, each describing one metadatum with the corresponding constraints: .. code-block:: [ { "id": { "uuid": "c092aba6-b264-4632-be31-a6807e52ca81" }, "name": "Lab-ID", "isMandatory": true, "order": 100, "isFile": false, "isSubmissionUnique": false, "isSiteUnique": true, "regexDescription": null, "longDescription": "The sample ID as used by the submitting laboratory", "example": "AB45", "regExp": null, "dateTimeFmt": null, "serviceId": null }, { ... }, ... ] Note that the API response includes regular and service metadata. For regular metadata, the :code:`serviceId` attribute is set to :code:`NULL`. For service metadata, the :code:`serviceId` attribute is an object holding the :ref:`Identifiers` of the corresponding :ref:`Service`. Metadata Uploads ---------------- To upload metadata, a POST request is made against the :code:`/metadatasets` endpoint. The JSON request body contains a single metadataset. If the metadataset upload was successful, the server responds with a :code:`HTTP OK (200)` response and returns a JSON body which reflects the metadataset that was just inserted. The actual metadata is contained in the :code:`records` attribute of the response, in addition the response contains information about the identifiers that were assigned to the metadataset and the ownership of the metadataset. Note that the response also contains an attribute named :code:`submissionId` which is always :code:`null` at this stage, as the newly created metadataset has not yet been added to a submission. .. image:: img/api_post_metadata_ok.svg The metadataset upload may fail for various reasons. If the request was made without proper authentication, the DataMeta server will issue a :code:`HTTP Unauthorized (401)` response. In addition, the upload may fail for various verification related reasons, in which case the server issues a :code:`HTTP Bad Request (400)` annotated with a JSON body containing a list of the verification errors that occurred: .. image:: img/api_post_metadata_err.svg In the example shown above, the metadataset upload failed validation, as there exists a field constraint for the field :code:`ZIPCode`, which states that the values have to be exactly three digits. File Uploads ------------ In contrast to metadataset uploads, uploading a file cannot be done in a single API request. For a file upload, the following three requests have to be made: 1. *File Announcement* :code:`[application/json][POST]` 2. *File Upload* :code:`[multipart/form-data][POST]` 3. *File Upload Confirmation* :code:`[application/json][PUT]` File Announcement ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The first step in the file upload is to announce the file to the server. For that purpose, a POST request is made against the :code:`/files` endpoint, announcing the name and checksum of the file in a JSON request body. A database record for the file will be created and returned to the client, denoting the identifier, name and ownership of the file. Additionally, the attributes :code:`urlToUpload`, :code:`requestHeaders` and :code:`expires` provide information on how to upload the actual file data: To upload the data, a :code:`multipart/form-data` HTTP POST request has be be made against the URL denoted in :code:`urlToUpload` (see next section). The expiration of the upload URL is denoted in the :code:`expires` attribute. .. image:: img/api_post_files.svg The request may fail because of authentication issues, in which case a :code:`HTTP Unauthorized (401)` response is returned, or because the request was malformed, in which case a :code:`HTTP Bad Request (400)` response is returned. File Upload ^^^^^^^^^^^ The response returned after the file announcement contains an upload URL and a set of request headers that are required when making the upload. The following cURL command would reflect the correct upload procedure for the file shown in the previous announcement example: .. code:: bash curl \ -X POST \ -H "Access-Token: LFEO1D2bjWfIJAQnTmnPaPLh9bAWYp0wAfRkI5yOWAPrzxsPZtmO6Dmw9t6FWsvk" \ -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \ -F file=@ABC123_R1.fq.gz \ https://data.cogdat.de/api/v1/upload/eb15fa40-af0a-46b7-a35f-0661851076fb If the upload was successful, the server responds with a :code:`HTTP No Content (204)` response. The following failures are possible: * :code:`HTTP Bad Request` The request was malformed * :code:`HTTP Not Found (404)` The URL or the request headers are invalid * :code:`HTTP Conflict (409)` The upload for this file was already finalized (see next section) ⚠️ Note that the upload URL will not necessarily be a URL pointing to the DataMeta server, depending on the server configuration the URL may point to another storage server. File Upload Confirmation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The file upload can in principle be repeated an arbitrary number of times and the corresponding storage will be overwritten. To finalize the file transfer, a PUT request has to be made against the :code:`/files` endpoint to change the state of the file to "content uploaded". .. image:: img/api_put_files.svg If the update was successful, the server will respond with a :code:`HTTP Ok (200)` response and return the updated file resource as a JSON body. The following failures are possible: * :code:`HTTP Bad Request` The request was malformed. The error comes with a JSON response body containing a list of errors that occurred. The following errors specific to this endpoint are associated with this reponse: * The resource has been finalized already and can no longer be modified * No data was uploaded yet for this file. * :code:`HTTP Unauthorzied (401)` The requesting user is unauthorized to modify this resource * :code:`HTTP Not Found (404)` The URL is invalid * :code:`HTTP Conflict (409)` The checksum of the uploaded data does not match the announced checksum Submissions ----------- Initially, all uploaded files and metadatasets are in a *pending* state which is private to the user. To finalize the upload, a *submission* is created, linking the metadatasets to the corresponding files. The submission also includes a final validation, in particular of any type of uniqueness constraints that may be defined for certain metadata fields. To create a new submission, a POST request is made against the :code:`submissions` endpoint. The request body lists all metadatasets and files that are to be included in the submission by denoting their IDs. Site IDs and UUIDs can be used interchangeably. Additionally, a *label* which annotates the submission can be specified. If the creation of the submission was successful, the server responds with a :code:`HTTP Ok (200)` response and reflects the created submission in the response body: .. image:: img/api_post_submissions.svg The following failures are possible: * :code:`HTTP Unauthorized (401)` No valid authentication was provided * :code:`HTTP Bad Request (400)` The request was malformed or the provided submission failed validation. If a validation failure occurred, a list of failures is reported. Querying Metadatasets --------------------- The :code:`GET` endpoint :code:`metadatasets` enables users to query metadatasets according to the following search criteria: * :code:`submittedAfter` - only metadatasets with a submission date after the specified ISO datetime string will be returned * :code:`submittedBefore` - only metadatasets with a submission date before the specified ISO datetime string will be returned * :code:`awaitingService` - only metadatasets for which the service corresponding to the specified service ID has not yet been executed will be returned. When multiple criteria are specified, the criteria will be combined by logical :code:`AND`. Example request: .. code:: bash curl -X GET "https://data.cogdat.de/api/v0/metadatasets?awaitingService=CDP-54772300" The response is a list of metadatasets. A detailed description of the response schema can be found below at `GET /metadatasets `_. Service Executions ------------------ Results of a service execution, i.e. missing service metadata for a metadataset is reported using the :code:`POST` endpoint :code:`/service-execution`. The endpoint has two in-path parameters, the first one being an identifier of the service and the second one being an identifier of the metadataset. In the following example, an ENA ID is reported for a metadataset: .. code:: bash curl -X POST "https://data.cogdat.de/api/v0/service-execution/CDP-58329011/CDM-36231117" \ -H "accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"record":{"CoGDat-ENA-ID":"ABC-123"},"fileIds":[]}' The endpoint is documented below under `POST service-execution `_. API Specification ----------------- In the following the technical specifications of every API endpoint are enlisted. Note that every DataMeta server also offers a Swagger based web UI to access the endpoint specifications, which may be more convenient to read and also offers the possibility to interactively try out the functionality of the API endpoints. For the CoGDat portal the Swagger based web UI is accessible at ``_. .. openapi:: ./api/openapi.yaml :examples: